Worship begins in the heart
Liturgy is our public worship of God. As we sing and pray, our worship of God brings praise to our Creator.
It expresses the church’s identity and mission, including the church’s calling to invite others and to serve with concern for the needs of the world.
There is structure to our liturgy, set in motion by the rubrics within the Book of Common Prayer, but there is flexibility as we move and respond to the Holy Spirit.
Click the links to learn more about the building blocks of Episcopal worship and the depth of meaning we find in it.

Book of Common Prayer
Our scripture readings come from a common lectionary, a curated set of scriptures, and our services are guided by the Book of Common Prayer. A mark of Episcopal life, the Prayer Book is our guide to the discipled life in community. In it we find daily prayers, services, psalms, lectionary readings, and even historical documents, as well as a host of prayers and thanksgivings for our common life. It is our manual of devotion and guide to worship. Click the links to download a digital copy.
New Revised Standard Version of the Bible
The Bible translation that we use in worship is the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), published in 1989.
The NRSV translation was prepared by the National Council of Churches, an ecumenical organization consisting of Protestant, Orthodox, African-American, and historic Christian denominations in the United States.