All Are Welcome! 

Worship Schedule:

Wednesday Eucharistic Services

  • 1:10 pm - Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Sanctuary (spoken)

Regular Sunday Services

  • 8:00 am - Holy Eucharist Rite I in the Sanctuary (spoken + traditional)

  • 10:00 am* - Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Sanctuary
    (sung: live streamed)

Our 10 am service is streamed via Facebook, YouTube, Twitch and this website.  The Worship Bulletin is available on the St. Andrew's Live page.


Click on the Welcome Card for our Visitor Form!


Comment Card Link


Upcoming Events!



Available via ZOOM
Meeting ID 8953-863-6563,
Password 201189.

Adult Bible Study Restarts January 19th
With Section 2 of “Inwardly Digest”

This Week:  The Shape of the Eucharist

Winter Relief at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

February 17-24

"St. Andrew's will host Winter Relief next week (February 17-24), providing dinner, beds, and breakfast for people experiencing homelessness. We particularly need volunteers for the overnight shifts from 10pm to 2am and 2am to 6am. Please see the sign-up sheet in the narthex for all available volunteer opportunities."


4 Feb   Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
               (More information to come!)

5 Feb   1:10 pm Ash Wednesday Liturgy
             5:30-6:30 pm Drive Through Ashes
             7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Liturgy


Winter Relief Fund Raiser




Stay tuned for more upcoming events!

All are Welcome

  February 2025  

Epiphany Season

A season of four to nine weeks, from the Feast of the Epiphany (Jan. 6) through the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. The length of the season varies according to the date of Easter. The gospel stories of this season describe various events that manifest the divinity of Jesus. The coming of the Magi is celebrated on the Epiphany. The Baptism of our Lord is observed on the Sunday after Epiphany. The gospels for the other Sundays of the Epiphany season describe the wedding at Cana, the calling of the disciples, and various miracles and teachings of Jesus. The Last Sunday after the Epiphany is always devoted to the Transfiguration. Jesus' identity as the Son of God is dramatically revealed in the Transfiguration gospel, as well as the gospel of the baptism of Christ. We are called to respond to Christ in faith through the showings of his divinity recorded in the gospels of the Epiphany season.

Contact Information

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church